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Senin, 13 Januari 2014

How to Overcome Problems during Pregnancy

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To overcome problems that happen during pregnancy is something that pregnant women need to know. Thus a pregnancy would not be something that tortures pregnant women, but instead would be something fun. Here are some problems that happen during pregnancy and the tips to overcome them.

Nausea and Morning Sickness

Nausea and morning sickness are the most common things for pregnant women, especially during the beginning of pregnancy or at the first trimester. Nausea and morning sickness are caused by hormonal change that happen to pregnant women. Besides nausea and morning sickness could also happen if a pregnant woman smells certain scents.

Even though nausea and sickness will be gone by themselves when the second trimester approaches, but you should beware of them. Nausea and sickness would cause lacking of good nutrition for both the mother and the baby she carries. The first trimester is a critical period where the fetus starts developing organs. If a fetus lacks certain nutrition, the development for perfect organs could fail. Besides, the fetus could also being born with weight under average. 

Tips :

  • Eat in small portions but often, do not eat in big portions because it will cause nausea. Try to keep eating when your stomach feels good, try to eat 5-6 times a day in smaller portions and to avoid empty stomach.

  • Avoid foods that contain a lot of fat, spices, too sour or spicy.

  • Eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrate and protein. Also consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.

  • Avoid foods that smell because it might make you nauseous and sick.

  • Drink a cup of warm tea to overcome nausea and sickness.

  • Take more fluids with drinking water, low fat milk, or fruit juices to replace the fluid that come out during sickness and also to avoid dehydration.

  • Eat more foods that contain vitamin B6 such as bananas, avocado, rice, or cereals.

If nausea and sickness continue until the second trimester, consult about this to your doctor.


Increased hormone during pregnancy could cause the production of vagina fluid, called lokore. This fluid is white, watery and doesn’t smell. This discharge is normal as long as it’s not much, changing color, smells, and itches or with any irritation. If so, then consult to the doctor.



  • Keep your vagina and vagina area clean.

  • Don’t put on underwear that is too tight.

  • Change your underwear as often as possible, especially if it feels damp/wet.

  • Always wear dry and clean underwear.

  • Wear underwear that is made of cotton or other materials that absorb sweat.


Constipation happens because of the progesterone hormone increase. This hormone, besides loosens up the uterine muscles, also loosens up the muscles of the intestinal walls that causes constipation. But the advantage of this is better nutrition absorption during pregnancy.

Continuous constipation could cause hemorrhoids.


  • Drink a lot of water.

  • Consume more foods that contain fibers such as vegetables and fruits.

  • Work out often like walking or jogging


Frequent urination during the start of pregnancy is caused by enlarged uterus that pushes the bladder and hormonal change that also causes increase in blood volume that makes the kidneys produce more fluids.

This situation will decrease in the second trimester because of the uterine growth to the stomach and starts again in the third trimester because of the fetus growth that pushes the bladder again.


  • Don’t ever hold your bladder, this could cause bladder infection.

  • Don’t reduce your drinking portion, even though it makes you urinate a lot.

  • Frequent urination could damp up your vagina area, keep it clean.


Headaches happen to a lot of pregnant women are caused by physical factors; exhaustion, nausea, hunger and low blood pressure. And also emotional causes like tense and depression. Besides, increase of blood supply to the whole body could cause headaches when a pregnant woman changes position.


  • Take a rest if you have a headache.

  • Avoid oppression or other problems that could lead into depression.

  • Do not make sudden moves.

  • Try to keep calm and relax.

If your headache gets worse and continues, go to the doctor as soon as possible. Bad headache during pregnancy is a pregnancy alarm.


Skin change is caused by melanocyte that causes darken skin. Then brownish lines will appear from the navel to lower area that is called linea nigra. Besides there is often some brownish on the face that is called chloasma or pregnancy mask.

Stretch marks happen because of excessive stretching, usually happens in abdomen are, upper thighs and breasts. These stretch marks could cause itchiness and cannot be avoided.

Besides, skin change also happens on the face, it gets oilier and could cause acnes.


  • Avoid scratching itchiness caused by stretch marks

  • Keep your skin clean

  • Eat more foods that contain protein and vitamin C


Exhaustion and sleepiness on pregnant women are caused by hormonal change, also because some vital organs like kidneys, heart, and lungs, work more than before. These vital organs work not only for the mother’s needs, but also for the fetal development. The mother’s enlarged belly could also be a discomfort for the mother.


  • To reduce exhaustion, complete carbohydrate needs as the main source of energy.

  • Eat foods that contain complex carbohydrate that are easily digested.

  • If you feel exhausted, and if you are able to, take a rest.

  • Don’t push yourself to keep doing activities, if you feel exhausted take a rest immediately.



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How to Avoid Miscarriage

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Having children is what every married couple wants. But what can you do if the pregnancy cannot last or what is usually called miscarriage? Know what the causes are and what to do to avoid it.

What is miscarriage?
Miscarriage is pregnancy discontinuation under 20 weeks old. At that time a fetus is weighed around 500 grams. Miscarriage is tending to be sporadic or known as continuous miscarriage. Sporadic miscarriage doesn’t have any patterns and mostly is caused by chromosome abnormality, either from the egg or sperm cells. 

What causes miscarriage?
Besides chromosome abnormality, there are other factors that allegedly could be the causes of miscarriage, such as:

  • Autoimmune Disorder, a systemic lupuserythematosus (SLE) disorder and also antiphospolipid antibody (APLAs).

  • Anatomy abnormality, usually caused by uterus or cervical abnormality.

  • Infections, there are a few viruses that could cause miscarriage such as chlamydia trachomatis and nesseiria gonorrhea.

  • Environment and lifestyle.

Keep a healthy lifestyle.

Miscarriage can also be caused by lifestyle. Women that smoke, consume alcohol, obese or with weight under average, could get hormonal problems that could lead into miscarriage. There is no accurate research about stress leading to miscarriage yet.
Do not worry and there is no need to decrease your work time either, because there is no data yet about working all day could cause miscarriage.

What are the types of miscarriages?

When a woman miscarries there are a few levels and actions that are all determined by doctors. The types are:

  1. Complete abortion, where all conceptions come out. The signs are, the embryo is shaped like a fetus and comes off from the uterine wall. Usually happens in the beginning of pregnancy when the placenta is not formed yet. The fetus will come by itself from the uterus, either spontaneous or with tools. In this type of abortion usually there is no actions done. Meanwhile if the patient comes bleeding and the rest of the tissues are still visible, then a curette will be done.

  2. Incomplete abortion, the signs are some of the embryo come off from the uterine walls already and some tissues are in the cervical. For this case, if there is any continuous bleeding embryo / fetus has to be taken out.

  3. Inspient abortion, most of the tissues come down and already in the cervical, but the whole embryo is still in the uterus. In this case, the possibility to keep the pregnancy is very small.

  4. Imminent abortion, the signs are some of the embryo come off or there is bleeding behind the embryo. Because embryo is behind the uterus, it could still be saved and survive.

Signs of miscarriage
Usually before miscarriage happens, there will be a few signs. What are they?

Bleeding. The most common sign of miscarriage, could only be little spots that last for a while to bleeding.

  • Cramps, like the ones you get in period. Usually the cramps happen a few times for a while.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen. The pain is usually quite bothersome and for quite a while. Unremitting pain in lower pelvis, groin and genital area. This usually happens a few hours or even a few days after the bleeding signs.

When is the right time to get pregnant again after a miscarriage?
There is no reason to delay pregnancy, you can get pregnant anytime. Unless there are emotional problems such as miscarriage trauma, or another physical problems such as diabetes or thyroid. If your miscarriage is caused by infections (ex: toxoplasma) then your body needs time to form antibody during 6-8 weeks.
A lot of women get worried after miscarriage. Do not worry, for you who have miscarried before, then your chance to have children of your own is still high. The chance of another miscarriage is only 15%. So there is no special medication necessary. But for women who have miscarried two times until 3 times in a row, the chance of another miscarriage is bigger. For those who experience that, the doctor will take further examination to know what the cause is or the causes are. There might be a genetic disorder such as APS syndrome or thrombophilia.

Keep up a good lifestyle to avoid miscarriage.

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Important Nutrition during Pregnancy

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 The needs of nutrients on a pregnant woman increases during pregnancy Important Nutrition during PregnancyImportant Nutrition during Pregnancy. The needs of nutrients on a pregnant woman increases during pregnancy, especially when approaching the second trimester. Because at that moment, the fetal develops fast – especially the brain development and also the nervous system and needs an optimal nutrition.

The nutrition needed are:

  1. Carbohydrate and fat as sources of energy to produce calories can be obtained from cereals, tubers.

  2. Protein as source of builder substances can be obtained from meats, fishes, eggs and nuts.

  3. Mineral as regulator can be obtained from fruits and vegetables.

  4. Vitamin B complex is useful for keeping the nervous system, muscles, and heart, work normally. Can be found in cereals, beans, nuts, green vegetables, yeast, eggs, and dairy.

  5. Vitamin D is useful for your baby’s bones development. It can be found in fish liver oil, yolk, and milk.

  6. Vitamin E is useful for healthy red blood cells. Eat beans especially wheat, nuts, vegetable oil and green vegetables.

  7. Folic acid is useful for nerve system and blood cells development, found in dark green colored vegetables like spinach, cauliflower and broccoli. On fruits, folic acid can be found in oranges, bananas, carrots and tomatoes. The need of folic acid during pregnancy is 800 mcg a day, especially on the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Lacking folic acid can impair brain development, and also causes congenital defects on central nervous system or fetal brain.

  8. Iron is needed by pregnant women to avoid anemia, can be found in green vegetables (such as, spinach, kale, cassava leafs, papaya leafs), meats and livers.

  9. Calcium is needed for fetal bones and teeth development, also to keep pregnant women from osteoporosis. If the need of calcium is not fulfilled enough, then the lacking calcium will be taken from the mother’s bones. Other sources of calcium are green vegetables and nuts. Nowadays calcium is best consumed from milk and the other processes products. Milk also contains a lot of vitamins, such as vitamin A, D, B2, B3, and vitamin C.


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Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Fetal Senses Development and How to Communicate with the Fetus

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Pregnancy is the moment every couple who wants to have a child in their family most waiting for. A child can make a family feel more alive, dynamic and complete. A child creates a whole new nuance in a family, a more alive two-way communication which initially only between a husband and a wife, now becomes among parents and the child. Communication is an important way to educate a child in becoming the expected human being.

Communicating with a child can be started from very early stage, moreover, since he/she is a fetus. Concerning parents can communicate with a fetus while the baby is still in the womb; this will create a closer bond and become an unforgettable pleasant experience.  

There several ways of communication parents can do with their baby in the womb, certainly by understanding the stages of senses growth and development in order to build a proper communication.

Sense of Touch

Sense of touch starts to develop before week 8. When the fetus moves and the hand or foot palms showed up in the mother’s bump, touch them, and give your soft feeling and love, so that the baby can feel the parents’ tender emotion, love and care. The love and care the fetus feels from the parents will give your baby a peaceful state of mind.

Sense of Hearing

Sense of hearing starts to develop at week 8 and finishes the configuration at week 24. This sense is also supported by amniotic fluid which is a good medium for the transmission of the sound.

The fetus will start to hear the sound of the blood stream through placenta, heart beat and the sound of air in intestines. The fetus will also reacts to loud sounds, even more the baby can jump in shock.

At week 25, the fetus can hear and recognize the voice of family members such as the father and the mother. Communicate with the fetus although it’s only one way; sing a song, read a book or talk to your baby to build a closer bond and to make your baby used to your voice.

When a parent gets angry, the baby will react the same way; soft music calms down the baby.

Sense of Taste

Sense of taste in fetus will develop at week 13-15. At this age, a baby can taste bitterness and sweetness. The fetus will drink and swallow the amniotic fluid if it tasted sweet. However, if the fluid is bitter, the baby will struggle and spit it out and will stop consuming it.

Sense of Smell

Sense of smell will develop at week 11-15. When this sense, a fetus can smell the amniotic fluid which is similar to the mother’s smell. Therefore when the baby is born, in only few hours the baby will know and recognize who’s the mother using this sense of smell.

Sense of Sight

Since the beginning of pregnancy up to week 26, the fetus’ eyes will always be closed to produce retina. However, the retina of a fetus at week 16 will be able to detect light bea

At week 27, the fetus will open the eyes and look around her/him for the first time. The eyes can capture the light exposed in the mother’s womb both natural/sun or artificial/lamp lights. The baby’s brain also reacts to blinking lights.


Thus, a fetus can react to various stimulations from outside and inside of the mother’s body. Therefore, it is important to take care of the place to live and neighborhood, mother’s behavior and speech. Everything a mother sees or hears, whether it’s happiness, anger, sadness or joy, certainly will affect the baby’s growth and development. We should not presume that a fetus does not have a feeling and allow ourselves step out of the boundaries. Besides, make use of the fetus uniqueness fully; give the baby earliest possible education and good influence little by little with high enthusiasm to support the growth and development of the baby’s physical and mental health.  

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Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014


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Hellow World

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Keuntungan Tabungan IB / Tabungan Syariah

Keuntungan Tabungan IB / Tabungan Syariah - Buat yang belum mengenal apa itu perbankan Syariah, atau  selama ini hanya menggunakan yang konvensional saja, silahkan baca dulu dua artikel yang telah saya publish sebelumnya, berkenalan dengan bank Syariah, serta mengenal produk dan istilah-sitilah perbankan Syariah. Dari sana semoga dapat mengenal lebih dekat tentang system berbasis islam ini.Produk

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

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Pregnancy symptoms are what a woman really hopes when she’s expecting a baby. The pregnancy shows that the couple has good fertility level and also shows that they don’t have any significant health issues. With the pregnancy symptoms approaching, arrival of the baby is only a matter of time. A family feels more complete with the presence of a very expected baby.

But there are times when a couple doesn’t really understand about those pregnancy symptoms. Sometimes they still get confused about differentiating which are the real pregnancy symptoms with menstruation ones, because in a lot of cases some pregnancy symptoms are quite similar with menstruation symptoms. Not knowing about these things could also cause, in a few cases, miscarriages.

These things happen because of an activity or food consumptions that are not supposed to be done during the pregnancy. Not knowing about pregnancy symptoms could also cause unsuccessful preparations for the pregnancy itself. On the contrary, in a lot of cases, some families get stressed because of the symptoms that they think are pregnancy symptoms; apparently after getting checked a few times it turns out negative. The image of a pregnancy they longed for are gone.

A lot of women see the pregnancy symptoms from just one side, a missed period. It is true, one of the symptoms of pregnancy is a missed period. But a missed period is not caused only by pregnancy, but also eating patterns, stress, exhaustion, hormonal problems, etc. To make sure, besides a missed period, here are the other pregnancy symptoms:

Changes on Breasts

Breasts get bigger during pregnancy, this thing is caused by the increasing of estrogen and progesterone hormones productions. Breasts also feel tenderer, and this causes higher sensitivity that makes breasts feel hurt or sore when you touch them. Nipples get bigger and darken too, sometimes itchy. Vena vessels in breasts will also look more visible because of the swelling.

Furthermore, there is an HPL (Human Placental Lactogen) activity happening. That hormone is produced by the body when the mother gets pregnant to prepare breast milk for your baby when he is being born into the world.

Spotting and Cramping

The spotting happens before the upcoming period, usually happens between 8-10 days after ovulation. Spotting is caused by implantation bleeding or the attachment of embryo on uterine walls. Sometimes people mistake spotting on pregnancy for period.

Moreover, spotting is usually followed by cramps. Cramps happen until the second trimester of pregnancy, until the position of the uterus is at the center and supported by pelvis.

Morning sickness

About 50% pregnant women will experience this. What’s causing it is the increasing of hormone in the bloodstream, all in a sudden. The hormone is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG. The increasing of the hormone also happens in the urinary tract. That’s why pregnancy test packs are done via urine, it is to check whether there is an increasing HCG hormone or not. The increasing of this hormone usually leaves some pain on the stomach and causes nausea. The nauseous feeling is usually gone by the beginning of second trimester. If it still happens in the second trimester, it is best to go to the doctor to do some check-ups and talk about this, because it might harm your pregnancy.

Nausea and morning sickness usually happens in the mornings. But in fact, nausea and morning sickness can also happen in the afternoon and even at night. Some morning sickness happens when the mother smells certain scents.

Frequent Urination

One or two weeks after the missed period, the urge to urinate is more frequent than usual. This is caused by the fetus growing inside the womb, pushing the bladder and also because of the increasing of blood circulation. Moreover bladder is filled with urine faster than usual which causes more frequent urination. This also caused by pregnancy hormone increasing. Do not hold or limit your urination. Also, avoid dehydration with taking more fluids into your body.


Pregnant women experience headaches during pregnancy is caused by physical factor; exhaustion, nausea, hunger, and low blood pressure. And also emotional cause such as, tense and depression. Also the increasing of blood supply to all over the body could cause headaches when changing positions.


Exhaustion and fatigue on pregnant women are caused by, besides hormonal changing, the increasing of some vital organs like kidneys, heart, and lungs. These vital organs work not only for the mother, but also for the baby. A belly that gets bigger would also be a discomfort for the mother.


Constipation happens because of the increasing progesterone hormone. This hormone, besides loosens up the uterus muscles, also loosens up intestine walls muscles that could cause constipation. But the advantage of this is better nutrition absorption during pregnancy.

Hyper Salivation

This symptom is caused by estrogen hormone change, usually happens at the first trimester. It is usually gone after the beginning of second trimester.

The increasing basal body temperature

During pregnancy or ovulation, the basal body temperature will increase. This will last during pregnancy.

The pregnancy symptoms above are personal, not every pregnant woman experience the same symptoms, some women experience them all, some women maybe only experience a few, and some other women may also not experience any issues. To make sure, a pregnancy test definitely needs to be done, whether at home with a test pack or at a laboratory with a blood test or you can try to answer the quiz to determine if your symptoms are pregnancy-related. You can try the quiz –> Pregnancy Test Online

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